Blank page for new beginnings
Cornell Engineering Clubs
AAP Student Activities
Student Organization Directory Search
General Search: VR at Cornell
Cornell Virtual Embodient Lab Description ?
Cornell Virtual Embodiment Lab ?
Intro to VR w/MannUFactory ?
Eric Wang ?
General Youtube Search: VR Devlog
I Made a VR Game with Particles Only ?
Magitek VR Devlog 2 ?
Ready Player One (lol that might be illegal to link)
Cargo Basics
Embed 3D Models w/ SketchFab ?
Improving Sketch Fab Viewer Performance ?
Insert 3D Objects w/ HTML and CS ?
Three.js: Fundamentals ?
Medium: Adding 3D Models 2 your Website ?
GS: How2Convert Rhino to GITF ?
Threejs.org ?
Threejs Course ?
Fun stuff:
SpaceX Docking Sim
NASA Mars 2020 Entry Sequence
Remaking MW2 in Unreal ?
Create a Massive Open World ?
Recreating Rivendell ?
For Lucia (might break your computer tho, so be careful)
Blank page for new beginnings
Cornell Engineering Clubs
AAP Student Activities
Student Organization Directory Search
General Search: VR at Cornell
Cornell Virtual Embodient Lab Description ?
Cornell Virtual Embodiment Lab ?
Intro to VR w/MannUFactory ?
Eric Wang ?
General Youtube Search: VR Devlog
I Made a VR Game with Particles Only ?
Magitek VR Devlog 2 ?
Ready Player One (lol that might be illegal to link)
Cargo Basics
Embed 3D Models w/ SketchFab ?
Improving Sketch Fab Viewer Performance ?
Insert 3D Objects w/ HTML and CS ?
Three.js: Fundamentals ?
Medium: Adding 3D Models 2 your Website ?
GS: How2Convert Rhino to GITF ?
Threejs.org ?
Threejs Course ?
Fun stuff:
SpaceX Docking Sim
NASA Mars 2020 Entry Sequence
Remaking MW2 in Unreal ?
Create a Massive Open World ?
Recreating Rivendell ?
For Lucia (might break your computer tho, so be careful)