
~x eval tasks

~1/2 hist

~x stu dev

~ pro prac dev

+1/2 admin

- - -
y -x hist reading response
t - 
m -? hist reading response
m - a1 case study reach out

-x look for restaurants for ma + send her my thoughts
- move storage to aiolo + cancel goog storage
-x ask mom to pay adobe
- download all people (+kids and seniors), vehicles, and trees
- check out vernice’s gallery spots + reach out to olivia about getting a group together to go

- - - - - eval tasks -> up until the 15th

stu -
site research + site model 10/3,
ask a question for lee ann 10/6,
desk crit 10/13?

prod stu -
peer pass debrief 10/3,
csp signed 10/6,
maker day packet 10/6,
maker day pres 10/6,
crit 1, 10/12

pro prac - 
a1 case study reach out 10/2,
a1 case study 10/23,

hist -
<- reading response 10/1,
reading response 10/2,
reading response 10/9,
midterm abstract?

eth -
reading 10/3,
midterm abstract?
reading 10/10

- - - - - plan for today

12.75 - 1.5 min history

2 - 5
trader joes
mom check in - 3
get off around 6

7 ->
stud dev
min pro prac dev
min history

clothing shopping late night?

- - - - - hist

Reinhold Martin's essay "Environment c. 1973" - 
nixon for environmentalism in policy? motivating the public to look at it as beyond themselve or the country’s interest? environmental design arts? eisenmann using the environment and a lingusistic contrsuct? the importance of linguistics and gaining an understanding of environ + arch? eisenman’s theories and work reflect a broader shift in the global economy, the role of signs/semiotics and thus our understanding of arch and the environment

maybe linguistics and architectural discourse and understanding are intertwined and so is our understadning of the environmemnt. if not for greenwashing, we may only understanding the environment as a grassroots movement with loud calls for action and aggressive forms of dissent to rebel against the powers that be. now we can see it 

“Our understanding of any topic is influenced by how it is communicated to us, nuanced by context, authorship, and personal interest. Many architects already see architecture as a language, a means of communication. Environmentalism, which is a movement and entirely communication driven, how do we as architects advance or hinder its development? In a time where companies make use of greenwashing and activists destroy national artificats for publicity, but the youth are more opinionated and vocal than ever, how does environmentalism’s divisive nature influence the future of architectural practice and theory?”

Sellers' Crabgrass Crucible

origins of environmetalism in the suburbs. suburban living brought them closer to nature + post ww2 suburbs grow rapidly. suburbians saw industrialism spreading and got mad, those close to the nature made calls to action. began in long island + la. book says that suburbs were diverse ...? suburbans loved the ‘suburban countryside’. lots of their children went outside to play. in the beginning people thought they would have a small-scale farm and connect with nature...?
- against pesticides

pre ww2, sanitary concerns around the states? in the cities, environmental concerns became individual health concerns, but suburbs remained behind in health measures. at the time, rats/mosquitos proliferated because people kept outhouses and animals. eventually health measures led to them being less rural. this included new rec activites, making them less rural. parks and landscape engineering.

“In regards to Seller’s book, I wonder what role should contemporary architecture and urban planning play in bridging the gap between urban development and the preservation of natural spaces, especially in the context of the changing ideals of suburban life and nature highlighted in his text?”

- - - - - hist

sachs summary


busbea summary


- - - - - pro prac

thinking about reaching out to mr.lewis (LTL) about this

stu dashboard
prod stu dashboard
pro prac dashboard
hist dashboard
ethics dashboard

block party site research slides
demographics map of philly 1, 2, 3
south philly wikipedia
philadelphia neighborhoods
website about philly neighborjoods
bard google about philly underrepped groups, climatic analysis and what the area needs
murphy rec center site
goog: land use map philly
philly interactive maps
philly atlas maps

links from past few days:
mitrealityhack devpost
google: ar hackathon
google: mr hackathon
google: xr hackathon
unreal engine - free marketplace september
- - - - - stu dev

- - what are the underrepresented groups?

Underrepresented groups in South Philadelphia include:

  • People of color: South Philadelphia is a majority-minority neighborhood, with white residents making up only 32% of the population. However, people of color are often underrepresented in positions of power and leadership in the community.

  • Low-income residents: South Philadelphia has a higher poverty rate than the rest of the city. Low-income residents are often underrepresented in decision-making processes and may have difficulty accessing important resources and services.

  • Immigrants: South Philadelphia is home to a large immigrant population. Immigrants may face language barriers, cultural differences, and other challenges that can make it difficult to participate fully in the community.

  • Women: Women are underrepresented in leadership positions in South Philadelphia and throughout the city. They may also face gender-based discrimination in other areas of their lives.

  • Youth: Youth are underrepresented in decision-making processes and may have difficulty accessing opportunities for employment, education, and recreation.

  • People with disabilities: People with disabilities may face barriers to accessing employment, education, and other services in South Philadelphia.

  • LGBTQ+ people: LGBTQ+ people may face discrimination and harassment in South Philadelphia and throughout the city.

It is important to note that these groups are not monolithic, and there is significant diversity within each group. Additionally, members of these groups may face multiple forms of oppression. For example, a Black woman who is also low-income and disabled may face discrimination on multiple levels.

It is also important to note that the list above is not exhaustive. There are other underrepresented groups in South Philadelphia, such as people who are homeless, people who are formerly incarcerated, and people who are refugees.

It is important to support and uplift underrepresented groups in South Philadelphia and throughout the city. This can be done by advocating for policies and programs that support these groups, by working to create a more inclusive community, and by challenging discrimination and prejudice whenever we see it.

- - what is lacking in the area?

From an architect and/or urban planner's perspective, the following are some things that are lacking in the area surrounding the Murphy Recreation Center in Philadelphia:

  • Green space: The area surrounding the Murphy Recreation Center is relatively dense with buildings and pavement, and there is a lack of green space. This can make the area feel sterile and uninviting.

buildings, green spaces, land use, lights? buildings v nature

  • Green space has a number of benefits, including improving air quality, reducing noise pollution, and providing a place for people to relax and exercise.

  • Mixed-use development: The area surrounding the Murphy Recreation Center is primarily residential, with some commercial and industrial uses. There is a lack of mixed-use development, which would provide residents with more options for shopping, dining, and recreation.

land use, uses by age

  • Mixed-use development can also help to create a more vibrant and walkable community.

  • Affordable housing: The cost of housing in Philadelphia has been rising in recent years, and the area surrounding the Murphy Recreation Center is no exception. This has made it difficult for many people to afford to live in the area.

rent costs, real estate map, lot values

  • Affordable housing is essential for creating a thriving and inclusive community.

  • Public transportation: The area surrounding the Murphy Recreation Center is not well-served by public transportation. This can make it difficult for people to get to and from the recreation center, as well as other destinations in the city????

bus routes, streets, bike lanes, subways/trolleys or trains?

  • Good public transportation is essential for making a city more livable and sustainable.

In addition to these specific issues, there is also a lack of overall planning and coordination in the area surrounding the Murphy Recreation Center. This has led to a number of problems, such as traffic congestion, pedestrian safety issues, and a lack of amenities.

To address these issues, architects and urban planners could work to create a more sustainable and livable community in the area surrounding the Murphy Recreation Center. This could involve:

  • Creating more green space: This could be done by converting vacant lots into parks or gardens, or by adding green roofs to existing buildings.

  • Promoting mixed-use development: This could be done by zoning for mixed-use development, or by providing financial incentives for developers to build mixed-use projects.

  • Increasing the supply of affordable housing: This could be done by building more affordable housing units, or by providing subsidies to help people afford to live in the area.

  • Improving public transportation: This could be done by adding bus routes or extending existing rail lines.

  • Creating a more comprehensive plan for the area: This plan could address issues such as traffic congestion, pedestrian safety, and the provision of amenities.

By addressing these issues, architects and urban planners can help to create a more sustainable, livable, and equitable community in the area surrounding the Murphy Recreation Center.

- - climatic and geological analyses


Philadelphia has a humid continental climate,

with hot humid summers and cold, snowy winters.

South Philadelphia is slightly warmer and wetter than the rest of the city, due to its proximity to the Delaware River.

Average temperatures in South Philadelphia range from 38°F (3.3°C) in January to 82°F (28.3°C) in July. Average annual precipitation is 43 inches (109 cm), with the heaviest rainfall occurring in the summer months.

South Philadelphia is also susceptible to coastal flooding, due to its low elevation and proximity to the Delaware River.

In recent years, the city has experienced several major floods, including the 2010 Nor'easter and the 2012 Hurricane Sandy.


South Philadelphia is located on the Coastal Plain, a region of low-lying land that stretches along the Atlantic Ocean.

The Coastal Plain is made up of layers of sedimentary rocks, such as sand, gravel, and clay. These rocks were deposited by rivers, lakes, and glaciers over millions of years.
**soil composition?

The Delaware River has played a major role in shaping the geology of South Philadelphia. The river has eroded the land and deposited new sediments over time.

This process has created a variety of landforms, including floodplains, terraces, and bluffs.

The geology of South Philadelphia has also been influenced by sea level changes. Over the past few thousand years, sea level has risen and fallen several times. These changes have caused the coastline to shift back and forth.

Climate Change

Climate change is already having an impact on South Philadelphia. The city is experiencing more extreme weather events, such as heat waves, heavy rainfall, and coastal flooding.

Heat waves are becoming more frequent and intense in South Philadelphia. This is due to a combination of factors, including global warming and the urban heat island effect. The urban heat island effect is a phenomenon in which urban areas are warmer than surrounding rural areas. This is because urban areas have more pavement and less vegetation.

Heavy rainfall events are also becoming more common in South Philadelphia. This is due to climate change, which is causing the atmosphere to hold more water vapor. When the atmosphere is saturated with water vapor, it is more likely to produce heavy rainfall.

Coastal flooding is another major concern for South Philadelphia. Sea level is rising due to climate change, and this is making the city more vulnerable to flooding. In addition, storm surges are becoming more intense due to climate change. This is because storms are stronger and produce more wind and rain.


The climate and geology of South Philadelphia have shaped the city's history and culture. However, climate change is posing new challenges for the city. South Philadelphia is experiencing more extreme weather events, such as heat waves, heavy rainfall, and coastal flooding. The city will need to invest in adaptation measures to protect its residents and infrastructure from the impacts of climate change.