

grad/exp (yes + tod + tmr)

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generator, place, chat

- - -
y -x hist response (2)
y -:( eth reading
t -:( eth reading
m -x spint 6 qz
m -x company advisor update email
-> stu desk crit

~ stu dev
~ prod stu dev

-x meal prep
- respond to that one student about rcprs
- put paris on calendar
- put halloween in tally on calendar
- clear up the parking violation shits with don

lets figure today out...

x x need to finish daily task
x need to do sub evals
x need to finish past and today’s tasks,
~ need to finish devs,
x need to finish future tasks, 
need to finish admin tasks

quest 1 [task 1] development?

proj #000

m - hist, pro prac
t - stu, ps
w - eth
r - ps
f - stu
sun -

m - min pro prac, min stu dev, min prod stu
t - eth reading
w - stu dev, prod stu
r -  min prod stu, min stu dev
f - min stu dev
sun - eval tasks, hist, stu dev, pro prac