

- managing waste is a way of managing people, dependent on people doing things and conceptualizing things in different ways

too much trash on the ground, source of disease and pestilence ->
  • corbusier, towns built on piles - ground level of the town is raised 12-16 ft
  • affect on treatment of ground for modernist architecture in general?

‘the environment around you makes you sick’ early 20th century -> sanitation
  • keep america beautiful (not litering, not polluting etc.)

study of viruses and bacteria -> ‘the individual’s body and self-management’

industries agglomerate in mid-late 20th century -> larger concentration of landfills + u.s. resource and recovery act taxes local landfill companies
  • more waste but far fewer landfills


environmental justice movement

cultural thresholds

where the shopping carts go when they are disposed
going through bob dylan’s trash ->
  • when is something your waste and when is it someone else’s or the wider world’s
putting random letters outside ->
  • when someone enters a public space and leaves something behind

landfills and membranes/boundaries

*lateral office (collective of artists and planners) - the shapes that landfill morphologies take ->

bangalorian waste transportation in the city ->
  • some bangalorians make money off the trash, sending it to recyling factories and other places ~ was this the way municipal goverment or companies work, or both?

black trash bags vs clear trash bags ->
  • invsible vs visible

the mafia would put boodies in landfills ->
  • a place of invisibility

dumps being places where people would get things like furniture and stuff, could take and leave things as they wanted to ->
  • a porous place


discarded landfills? ->
  • ‘discarded landfills become monuments’ how?

why self management of waste? ->
  • how do people self-manage waste management

health of citizens in cities...? ->
  • why was it that women’s organizations in early 20th century would champion refuse and waste management?

< ref.

10.03.2022 by Curt Gambetta >